

1. 產品由全天然成分製成,有部分客人或會出現敏感情況。請先在手肘使用少量進行敏感測試。如果您有任何不適,請立即停止使用。

2. 請先了解產品成分,如果您對任何成分過敏,請不要購買。

3. 大魚媽的天然護膚品僅用於護膚用途,並不用於治療目的。效果因人而異。

4. 舒敏萬用膏的質地會隨溫度變化,但不影響產品效果。如果天氣太冷,產品太硬,可以用風筒輕輕吹幾秒鐘,使其軟化,更容易塗抹。

4. 產品應存放於陰涼乾燥處,使用乳液前應清潔雙手,以免滋生細菌。產品不應放入冰箱。

5. 一般產品保質期約為一至兩年,詳情請參閱產品包裝。手工皂不設最佳使用限期,如發現產品異常請勿使用。

6. 過熱和潮濕的天氣下,產品有可能會發霉。如果發生這種情況,請立即丟棄。

7. 如有任何問題,請聯絡我們 fionyuyulm@gmail.com。

8. 如有任何產品質量和使用問題,歡迎聯絡大魚媽。

9. 如對產品有不滿意,請聯絡大魚媽,一般情況下會安排退款,最終決定權歸大魚媽或其員工。




2.訂單通常會在3-5個工作日內發送給快遞員。快遞員將在 2-3 個工作日內處理並遞送您的包裹。

3. 您可以選擇您的家庭住址或任何順豐儲物櫃來接收您的包裹。

4. 如果您希望從順豐儲物櫃收取包裹,請在收貨地址中註明順豐儲物櫃號碼和地址。順豐儲物櫃號碼及地址請參考此鏈接:https://htm.sf-express.com/hk/tc/dynamic_function/S.F.Network/SF_Locker/

5. 您將收到有關送貨詳細信息的消息。我們不負責安排任何交貨日期和時間的變更。請直接聯繫快遞團隊安排。


Please note the following when placing an order:

1. The colour and smell of every handmade natural product can vary.

2. The product is made with all-natural ingredients, and there may be some cases of sensitivity. Please use a small

amount on the elbow for a sensitivity test. If you have any discomfort, please stop using it immediately.

3. Please understand the product ingredients first. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, please do not buy.

4. Big Fish Mom’s natural skin care products are only for skin care purposes, not therapeutic purposes. The effect

varies from person to person.

5. The texture of Soothing Balm may change according to temperature, but it does not affect the product effect. If the

weather is too cold and the product is too hard, you can gently blow it with a hot air blower for a few seconds to soften

it and make it easier to apply.

6. The product should be stored in a cool and dry place, and hands should be cleaned before using the lotion to avoid

the breeding of bacteria.

7. The product should not be put in the refrigerator.

8. The shelf life of the product is about one-two years, please refer to the product packaging for details.

9. There is a chance that the product will become moldy due to too severe heat and humid weather. If this happens,

please discard it immediately.

10. If you have any questions, please contact us via fionyuyulm@gmail.com.


Delivery arrangement:

  1. We will send your order with courier SF Express.
  2. Orders will normally be sent to the courier within 1-5 working days. The courier will process and deliver your parcel within 2-3 working days. 
  3. You can choose your home address or any SF locker to receive your parcel. 
  4. If you wish to receive the parcel from SF locker, please clearly state the SF locker number and address in your receiving address. Please refer to this link for SF locker number and address: https://htm.sf-express.com/hk/tc/dynamic_function/S.F.Network/SF_Locker/
  5. You will receive the message for the delivery details. We are not responsible to arrange any change of delivery date and time. Please contact the courier team directly to arrange.